Medicines Use Review
What is a Medicines Use Review? A Medicines Use Review is an opportunity for you to have an informal chat with one of our pharmacists about your medication. It is a Free service.
It will take place in one of our Private Consultation rooms. From experience, we have seen that around half of us do not take prescribed medicines properly, and we would like to take this opportunity to guide you, to get the most of your medicines. Sometimes little changes like taking the drug before or after food can change how well it works, and may improve your symptoms. We want to make sure you understand your medication and what it is for, identify any problems or side effects and agree the best solution. It is not meant to replace the role of your GP but rather support it. We will give you a record of the review and a follow up review can be arranged.
Who can have a review?
As long as you have been receiving your prescriptions from our pharmacy in the last three months, we can undertake a medicine use review with you. This will allow the pharmacist to obtain more information about you and your medicines prior to the review.
What do I do now?
If you would like a review, then ask any of our staff for a medicine review and one of our pharmacists will undertake the review with you. If you would like to arrange a convenient time for the review then please phone any of our stores or complete the form below for a convenient appointment time.