Return and Refund Policy

Our refund and return policy is customer-centric, aimed at addressing any issues with damaged, defective, or incorrect products. If you encounter any of these issues, we will resend your order at no additional charge to ensure your satisfaction.

While we pride ourselves on the quality of our products, we understand that there may be instances where you are not completely satisfied. In such cases, please reach out to our Customer Care Specialists, who are available to address your concerns and provide necessary solutions, which may include resending a new package free of charge.

It’s important to note that due to international health regulations, the return of medications is strictly prohibited. This policy ensures the safety and integrity of our pharmaceutical products.

In the rare event that you experience any issues with our products or services, we encourage you to contact us immediately. We are dedicated to resolving any problems swiftly and to your satisfaction, maintaining the trust and security that define our customer service standards.

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